JavaScript functions are shown below; use ‘View Source’ to see the full JavaScript implementation.
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© 2002-2010 Chris Veness
function gridDistance(ref1, ref2) { // ref1 & ref2 may be 6- or 8-digit references eg SU387148 or SU38714856 // convert to fully numeric references var p1 = gridrefNumeric(ref1); var p2 = gridrefNumeric(ref2); // get E/N distances between ref1 & ref2 var deltaE = p2[0]-p1[0]; var deltaN = p2[1]-p1[1]; // and pythagoras gives us the distance between the points var dist = Math.sqrt(deltaE*deltaE + deltaN*deltaN); return (dist/1000).toFixed(2); // return result in km, 2 decimals } function gridBearing(ref1, ref2) { // split numeric references into arrays var p1 = gridrefNumeric(ref1); var p2 = gridrefNumeric(ref2); // get E/N distances between ref1 & ref2 var deltaE = p2[0]-p1[0]; var deltaN = p2[1]-p1[1]; // arctan gives us the bearing, just need to convert -pi..+pi to 0..360 deg var deg = (90-(Math.atan2(deltaN, deltaE)/Math.PI*180)+360) % 360; return deg.toFixed(0); // return result in degrees, no decimals } /* * convert standard grid reference ('SU387148') to fully numeric ref ([438700,114800]) * * note that northern-most grid squares will give 5-digit northings * no error-checking is done on gridref (bad input will give bad results or NaN) */ function gridrefNumeric(gridref) { // get numeric values of letter references, mapping A->0, B->1, C->2, etc: var letE = gridref.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0); var letN = gridref.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(1) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0); // shuffle down letters after 'I' since 'I' is not used in grid: if (letE > 7) letE -= 1; if (letN > 7) letN -= 1; // convert grid letters into 100km-square indexes from false origin (grid square SV): var e = ((letE+3)%5)*5 + (letN%5); var n = (19-Math.floor(letE/5)*5) - Math.floor(letN/5); // skip grid letters to get numeric part of ref, stripping any spaces: gridref = gridref.slice(2).replace(/ /g,''); // append numeric part of references to grid index: e += gridref.slice(0, gridref.length/2); n += gridref.slice(gridref.length/2); // normalise to 1m grid: switch (gridref.length) { case 6: e += '00'; n += '00'; break; case 8: e += '0'; n += '0'; break; // 10-digit refs are already 1m } return [e, n]; }